The Best Tomato Varieties Suited For Tunnel House Cultivation

I'm excited to guide you through the world of tunnel house tomato cultivation in New Zealand. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or just starting out, there's something truly rewarding about nurturing vibrant tomato plants within the sheltered confines of a tunnel house.

In this discussion, we'll explore the best tomato varieties that have proven their worth in the unique New Zealand climate, and I'll share expert insights on the care and maintenance needed to achieve a bountiful harvest.

From selecting the perfect tomato varieties to creating the optimal growing environment, we'll cover every aspect that contributes to your success. As we journey through topics like soil preparation, pruning techniques, pest management, and more, I'll be your friendly green thumb, providing clear guidance while avoiding any unnecessary fancy words or superlatives.

Let's take a look into the heart of tunnel house tomato gardening (or glass house - learn more about the difference here.. So, grab your gardening gloves, and let's get started on this fruitful adventure together!

Selecting the Right Tomato Varieties for Tunnel House Cultivation in New Zealand

Choosing the perfect tomato varieties for tunnel house cultivation in New Zealand is a crucial step in ensuring a successful and fruitful gardening experience.

With the controlled environment of a tunnel house, you have the opportunity to cultivate a wide range of tomato types, each with its unique characteristics and flavors.

Factors to Consider When Selecting Tomato Varieties:

Determinate vs. Indeterminate: One of the first decisions to make is whether you prefer determinate or indeterminate tomato varieties. Determinate tomatoes grow to a certain size and produce fruit all at once, making them suitable for preserving or canning. Indeterminate tomatoes, on the other hand, continue to grow and produce fruit throughout the season, offering a longer harvest period.

Flavor and Use: Consider the intended use of your tomatoes. Are you looking for sweet tomatoes to eat fresh, or do you want tangy varieties for sauces and salsas? Different tomato types cater to various culinary needs, so choose accordingly.

Size and Shape: Tomatoes come in various sizes and shapes, from cherry tomatoes to beefsteaks. Think about the dishes you'll be preparing and select varieties that align with your culinary preferences.

Color and Appearance: The color of your tomatoes can add visual appeal to your dishes. Red, yellow, orange, and even purple tomatoes can enhance the aesthetic value of your garden and meals.

Disease Resistance: Research disease-resistant varieties to ensure a healthy harvest. Common tomato diseases in New Zealand, such as blight and wilt, can be minimized by choosing resistant cultivars.

Recommended Tomato Varieties for New Zealand's Tunnel Houses:

  1. Sweet 100 (Indeterminate): A prolific cherry tomato variety known for its exceptional sweetness. It produces clusters of small, red tomatoes throughout the growing season.

  2. Roma (Determinate): Perfect for sauces and canning, Roma tomatoes are meaty and have fewer seeds. They're ideal for tunnel house cultivation due to their determinate growth habit.

  3. Beefsteak (Indeterminate): If you're a fan of large, juicy tomatoes for sandwiches and slicing, consider growing beefsteak varieties. They come in various colors and offer rich flavors.

  4. Black Krim (Indeterminate): For a unique touch, try the Black Krim tomato with its dark, slightly smoky flavor. It's a great conversation starter at meals.

  5. San Marzano (Indeterminate): Highly regarded for making exceptional sauces, the San Marzano variety is elongated and flavorful, making it a favorite among gardeners.

Exploring Tomato Traits for Tunnel House Cultivation

In the realm of tunnel house tomato cultivation in New Zealand, understanding the characteristics of different tomato varieties is like unlocking a palette of flavors, colors, and textures.

We'll explore the unique traits that set each variety apart and make them suitable for thriving within the controlled environment of a tunnel house. Let's embark on a journey through the world of tomato diversity, focusing on the aspects that matter most for successful gardening endeavors.

Flavor Spectrum: Tomatoes come in a remarkable range of flavors, from sweet and juicy to tangy and complex. Whether you're seeking the sugary burst of cherry tomatoes or the rich umami of beefsteak varieties, your choice of flavor profile will dictate the culinary delights you can create.

Size and Shape: The size and shape of tomatoes play a pivotal role in culinary presentation and practicality. From petite cherry tomatoes that adorn salads to beefsteak behemoths that anchor sandwiches, each size offers unique advantages in the kitchen.

Color Palette: Tomatoes showcase a vivid spectrum of colors, including classic red, sunny yellow, vibrant orange, and even deep purples. The hues you choose not only add visual appeal to your garden but also contribute to the aesthetics of your dishes.

Texture and Use: Consider how you intend to use your tomatoes. Are you aiming for saucy creations, vibrant salads, or hearty stews? Different tomato varieties offer distinct textures that suit various culinary applications.

Growth Habits: Understanding whether a variety is determinate or indeterminate is vital for planning your garden layout. Determinate tomatoes set a finite crop while indeterminate types produce fruit continuously. This knowledge empowers you to make the most of your tunnel house space.

Disease Resistance: While avoiding extravagant words, it's essential to consider disease resistance. Opting for varieties with resistance to common tomato ailments prevalent in New Zealand can significantly contribute to the health and productivity of your plants.

Adaptation to Tunnel House Conditions: Certain tomato varieties have shown exceptional adaptability to the controlled environment of tunnel houses. They thrive in the stable conditions and reduced exposure to external elements, making them prime candidates for successful cultivation.

By appreciating the diversity of tomato traits, you can make informed choices that align with your gardening goals and culinary aspirations. Each tomato variety brings its own unique essence to your garden and kitchen, allowing you to create a symphony of flavors and experiences that resonate with your individual preferences.

As you cultivate your tunnel house tomatoes, remember that variety characteristics are the palette from which you'll paint your gardening masterpiece.

Optimal Growing Conditions for Tunnel House Tomatoes

Creating a nurturing environment within your tunnel house is essential to ensure the healthy growth and abundant harvest of your tomato plants.

Here are our nine optimal growing condition factors that contribute to the success of your tomato cultivation.

Temperature and Humidity: Maintaining the right temperature and humidity levels is paramount for tunnel house tomato cultivation. Aim for daytime temperatures between 20°C to 25°C and nighttime temperatures around 15°C to 18°C. Adequate ventilation and airflow help prevent excessive humidity that can lead to fungal issues.

Sunlight and Light Distribution: Tomatoes thrive in full sunlight, so position your tunnel house to receive maximum sunlight exposure throughout the day. Utilize reflective materials to distribute light evenly, ensuring that all parts of your plants receive the necessary energy for photosynthesis.

Soil Preparation: Prepare a well-draining and nutrient-rich soil mix to support your tomato plants' growth. Incorporate compost and organic matter to improve soil structure and provide essential nutrients.

Watering and Irrigation: Watering tomatoes consistently is vital, but avoid overwatering, which can lead to root rot. Use a drip irrigation system or soaker hoses to water at the base of the plants, minimizing moisture on leaves that could promote disease.

Mulching: Applying mulch around your tomato plants helps retain soil moisture, regulate temperature, and reduce weed growth. Organic mulches like straw or compost are excellent choices for tunnel house cultivation.

Pruning and Training: Pruning is crucial for maintaining airflow and preventing overcrowding in a confined tunnel house space. Remove suckers that grow in the leaf axils and prune lower leaves that touch the soil to minimize disease risks. Training tomato plants vertically using stakes or cages optimizes space and sunlight exposure.

Fertilization: Tomatoes have specific nutrient needs, especially when grown in containers or limited soil volume. Use a balanced fertilizer with appropriate ratios of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium to encourage healthy growth and fruit development.

Pest and Disease Prevention: Minimize the risk of pests and diseases by practicing good hygiene and monitoring your plants regularly. Remove any infected leaves promptly and consider introducing beneficial insects to control pests.

Climate Control: In New Zealand's unpredictable climate, having the ability to control temperature fluctuations in your tunnel house is invaluable. Consider using shade cloth during hot periods and providing extra protection during cooler nights.

Planting and Spacing Guide

When it comes to cultivating tomatoes in your New Zealand tunnel house, proper planting and spacing are fundamental to ensuring healthy growth and maximizing your harvest potential.

Transplanting Seedlings: Once your tomato seedlings have developed sturdy stems and a few sets of true leaves, they are ready for transplanting. Gently remove them from their nursery containers, taking care not to disturb the roots excessively.

Planting Depth: When planting tomato seedlings, bury them deep in the soil. The buried stem will develop additional roots, leading to a more robust and stable plant. Leave a few sets of leaves above the soil surface.

Spacing Guidelines: Tomato plants need adequate space to grow and receive proper airflow, which helps prevent diseases. For determinate varieties, space plants around 45-60 centimeters apart. Indeterminate varieties require more room, so aim for 60-90 centimeters  between plants.

Vertical Gardening Techniques: Growing tomatoes vertically is an excellent strategy to make the most of your tunnel house space. Utilize stakes, cages, or trellises to support plants as they grow upward. This not only conserves space but also ensures that sunlight reaches all parts of the plant.

Interplanting Companion Plants: Consider interplanting compatible crops like basil, marigolds, or onions with your tomato plants. These companion plants can help deter pests, attract beneficial insects, and make the most of available space.

Container Planting: If you're limited on space, growing tomatoes in containers within your tunnel house is a viable option. Choose large containers and provide proper support for the plants as they grow.

Adequate Air Circulation: Ensure that your tomato plants have enough space between them for air circulation. This helps prevent the development of fungal diseases, which can be a concern in enclosed tunnel house environments.

Protecting Young Plants: In the early stages after transplanting, consider providing temporary protection to shield your young tomato plants from abrupt temperature changes or intense sunlight.

Mulching for Moisture Retention: Apply mulch around your tomato plants to conserve moisture and regulate soil temperature. Mulching also helps prevent soil-borne diseases by reducing the splashing of soil onto the leaves.

Pruning and Training: Optimizing Tomato Growth

Mastering the art of pruning and training tomato plants is essential for fostering robust growth and maximizing your harvest potential. Here are the key considerations for pruning tomato plants and employing training techniques to utilize your tunnel house space efficiently.

Pruning Suckers: Suckers, the small shoots that develop in the leaf axils of tomato plants, should be pruned to focus the plant's energy on fruit production. Leave about 1-2 centimeters of the sucker stub when removing them.

Removing Lower Leaves: Prune the lower leaves of your tomato plants to a height of about 15-20 centimeters above the soil. This minimizes the risk of soil-borne diseases and encourages airflow.

Staking and Supporting: Using stakes, trellises, or cages, train your tomato plants to grow vertically. As the plant grows, secure the main stem to the support structure using soft ties or twine.

Determining Main Stem Height: Allow the main stem of your tomato plant to grow to a height of approximately 150-180 centimeters. This encourages the plant to focus its energy on fruit development rather than excessive foliage.

Pinching Tips: For indeterminate varieties, consider pinching the growing tip once the plant has reached the desired height. Pinch off the tip, leaving about 1-2 centimeters above the last flower cluster.

Managing Sucker Growth: Regularly monitor your tomato plants for new sucker growth. Pinch off suckers that develop in the leaf axils to maintain a single main stem and encourage upward growth.

Proper Air Circulation: As you train and prune your tomato plants, ensure that there is ample space between branches for air circulation. This prevents the buildup of excess humidity and reduces the risk of fungal diseases.

Securing Fruit-bearing Branches: As your tomato plants develop fruit-bearing branches, provide additional support to prevent them from bending or breaking due to the weight of the fruit.

Consistent Maintenance: Regularly inspect and maintain your pruned and trained tomato plants throughout the growing season. Adjust supports and ties as needed to accommodate the increasing weight of fruit.

Benefits of Pruning and Training: By applying effective pruning and training techniques in centimeters, you're encouraging healthy growth patterns that result in well-structured tomato plants.

This approach allows for efficient use of your tunnel house space while maintaining optimal airflow and sunlight exposure. With each centimeter carefully considered, your tomato plants will flourish and reward you with a plentiful harvest in your New Zealand garden.

Watering and Irrigation Tunnel House Tomatoes

It is essential to  provide your plants with the right amount of moisture for healthy growth and bountiful yields. Here's how we water our tomato plants to ensure that they receive optimal hydration without the risk of overwatering.

Establishing a Watering Routine: Water your tomato plants consistently, aiming for a deep and thorough soaking. Develop a routine based on the moisture needs of your plants, which can vary depending on factors like temperature and humidity.

Measuring Water Requirements: Provide approximately 2.5 to 3 centimeters of water per week to your tomato plants. This metric measurement helps ensure consistent moisture levels in the soil.

Watering Frequency: Divide your weekly water requirement into several watering sessions. It's better to water deeply and less frequently than to water lightly and often. Aim for 2-3 watering sessions per week.

Focus on Root Zone: Direct your watering efforts to the root zone of the tomato plants. Avoid overhead watering, which can lead to fungal diseases and wasteful water evaporation.

Avoid Waterlogged Soil: Tomatoes prefer well-draining soil, so avoid overwatering that could lead to waterlogged conditions. Test the soil moisture by inserting your finger into the soil up to about 5 centimeters (2 inches). Water when the top inch of soil feels dry.

Morning Watering: Water your tomato plants in the early morning to allow excess moisture on the leaves to evaporate during the day. This practice reduces the risk of foliar diseases.

Drip Irrigation or Soaker Hoses: Consider using drip irrigation systems or soaker hoses for efficient and targeted watering. These methods deliver water directly to the root zone, minimizing water waste.

Mulching Benefits: Apply a layer of mulch around your tomato plants to help retain soil moisture and regulate temperature. Mulch also reduces the need for frequent watering by preventing rapid evaporation.

Monitoring Soil Moisture: Regularly monitor the moisture levels of your soil. Invest in a soil moisture meter or use the finger test to assess when it's time to water.

Adapting to Weather Conditions: Be mindful of changing weather conditions, as hot and windy days may require additional watering. Adjust your watering routine accordingly to provide for the increased moisture needs of your tomato plants.

Pest and Disease Management

Protecting your tomato plants from pests and diseases is paramount for a successful and thriving harvest. Embracing effective pest and disease management practices in metric measurements ensures that your tomato plants remain robust and productive.

Regular Inspection Routine: Regularly inspect your tomato plants for signs of pests and diseases. Check the leaves, stems, and undersides of leaves to identify any issues early.

Integrated Pest Management (IPM): Implement IPM techniques to control pests. Introduce beneficial insects like ladybugs or predatory mites to manage pest populations naturally.

Homemade Pest Sprays: Create organic pest sprays using metric measurements. For example, mix 30 milliliters of neem oil with 1 liter of water to create a natural insecticide.

Neem Oil Spray Application: Apply the neem oil spray using a handheld sprayer. Ensure that you cover both the upper and lower surfaces of the leaves for effective pest control.

Disease-resistant Varieties: Opt for disease-resistant tomato varieties whenever possible. These varieties have built-in resistance to common diseases prevalent in New Zealand.

Cultural Practices for Disease Prevention: Maintain proper spacing between plants to allow for adequate airflow. Avoid overhead watering, which can spread fungal diseases.

Quarantine New Plants: If introducing new plants to your tunnel house, quarantine them for a few weeks before planting. This practice helps prevent the spread of potential pests and diseases.

Prune Diseased Parts: At the first sign of disease, metrically measure and carefully prune the affected parts of the plant. Disinfect pruning tools to prevent further spread.

Beneficial Nematodes for Soil-borne Pests: Introduce beneficial nematodes to control soil-borne pests like root-knot nematodes. Apply them to the soil following the recommended metric application rates.

Neem Cake Application for Soil-borne Diseases: Incorporate neem cake into the soil to help manage soil-borne diseases. Apply 100 grams per square meter of planting area.

Record Keeping: Keep a metric-centric gardening journal to track pest and disease occurrences, treatments applied, and their effectiveness. This record can guide your future prevention strategies.

Harvesting and Post-Harvest Handling

Its not hard to harvest tomatoes, but here are out top ten techniques for harvesting and preserving your tomato harvest.

Harvesting Ripe Tomatoes: Gently grasp ripe tomatoes and twist them from the vine. Use a pair of pruners or scissors to snip the stem if needed. Aim for tomatoes with vibrant color and firm texture.

Harvesting Metrics: Harvest tomatoes when they have reached their full size and color. For example, cherry tomatoes should measure around 2-3 centimeters (20-30 millimeters) in diameter, while larger varieties like beefsteak can reach 8-10 centimeters (80-100 millimeters) or more.

Harvesting Frequency: Check your plants every few days for ripe tomatoes. Harvesting frequently encourages the plant to continue producing new fruit.

Handling with Care: Handle harvested tomatoes gently to prevent bruising or damage. Place them in a shallow container to avoid stacking, which can lead to crushing.

Ideal Storage Temperature: Store harvested tomatoes at around 12-15°C (53-59°F) to maintain their flavor and texture. Avoid refrigerating them, as temperatures below 10°C (50°F) can negatively affect their taste.

Sorting and Culling: After harvesting, sort through your tomatoes and discard any damaged or overripe ones. This prevents mold and decay from spreading to other tomatoes.

Post-Harvest Washing: Wash tomatoes just before use to avoid excess moisture during storage. Use cold water and gently pat them dry with a clean towel.

Preserving Excess Tomatoes: If you have a surplus of tomatoes, consider preserving them by making sauces, salsas, or canning. Metric measurements come in handy when following preserving recipes accurately.

Ripening Green Tomatoes: If you've harvested green tomatoes due to weather or other reasons, place them in a single layer in a cool, dark place to ripen gradually.

Enjoying Freshness: Plan your meals to incorporate your freshly harvested tomatoes promptly. The metric measurements you've used throughout your gardening journey will guide you in creating delicious recipes.

Adapting Tunnel Houses through the New Zealand Seasons

Navigating the changing seasons is an integral part of successful tunnel house tomato gardening in New Zealand.

By adjusting your care routines based on the seasonal variations, you'll optimize your tomato plants' growth and ensure a continuous supply of fresh produce.

Spring Preparation: As spring arrives, prepare your tunnel house for the upcoming growing season. Ensure that your soil is well-prepared with organic matter, and establish a watering routine that suits the gradually warming weather.

Planting in Spring: In the metric system, plan to plant your tomato seedlings when the average daytime temperatures reach around 20°C. This ensures that your plants have the warmth they need for healthy growth.

Summer Vigilance: During summer, monitor your tomato plants closely for signs of stress due to heat. Provide shade when temperatures exceed 30°C to prevent sunscald and reduce heat stress.

Metric Watering Adjustments: Increase your watering frequency as temperatures rise in the summer months. Ensure that your plants receive approximately 3-4 centimeters of water per week to combat the heat.

Autumn Transition: In the metric system, as temperatures begin to cool down and average daytime temperatures are around 15°C, transition your tomato plants into the final stages of their growth cycle.

Harvesting Before Frost: In late autumn, harvest any remaining green tomatoes before the first frost. Mature green tomatoes can continue ripening indoors at a temperature of 12-15°C.

Winter Protection: Prepare your tunnel house for winter by cleaning up debris and ensuring proper insulation. While tomato growth may slow down, maintaining a minimum temperature of 10°C inside the tunnel house helps prevent cold-related stress.

Pruning and Maintenance: During winter, focus on pruning and maintaining your tomato plants' health. Remove any dead or diseased branches to encourage strong growth once spring arrives.

Planning for Spring: Use the winter months to plan for the upcoming spring season. Reflect on your gardening experiences, review your notes, and consider making adjustments for the next growing cycle.


As we've explored the intricacies of selecting varieties, tending to optimal growing conditions, and embracing the rhythms of the seasons, we've uncovered many insights that speak to the heart of tunnel house tomato gardening.

So, whether you're an experienced gardener seeking to refine your techniques or a newcomer eager to embark on this green-fingered adventure, remember that tunnel house tomato gardening in New Zealand is about embracing the joy of cultivation, sharing wisdom within a community of kindred spirits, and savoring the fruits of our labor in every metric-rich harvest.

Are you ready to create a thriving oasis for your plants? Whether you're a novice gardener or an experienced cultivator, these structures offer the keys to unlocking your horticultural aspirations.

So, why wait? Take the first step toward a greener, more productive future. Choose the perfect structure for your goals, plant the seeds of your vision, and watch them flourish under the canopy of innovation.

Click to send us a message, or call us today on 06 323 9423


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